Are you looking for the best SEM/PPC service providing company you are at the right place.


About SEM

Search Engines are now becoming indispensable utilities worldwide. People use search engines to locate some information, news, blogs, etc. on the internet. Here D-Lokam provides things you must know about search engine marketing (SEM).

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) using paid advertising.SEM includes all of the possible ways you can make your site more visible to search engines and, therefore, to users. Search engine marketing, or SEM, refers to paid advertisements that appear alongside search results on search engines like Google and Bing. Search engines have become the primary way people find products and services online, which means search engine marketing has become an essential part of most companies’ overall marketing strategy.

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Search Engine Marketing is a significant conversion driver for advertisement campaigns of any type. The reason is that paid ads are usually linked to conversion-focused landing pages that move web traffic through the sales funnel.

Immediate Results

You may need to wait for a period of time to get results from SEO. Whereas, SEM can generate results faster. It takes a few minutes to create a campaign. Once the campaign gets approval it starts bringing results fast.

Quickest Way To Be First

Ads appear first in the search results on SERP. If your bid amount for keywords is high and your quality score is good, then your ad will be displayed on the top of the search results.

Search Engines

Working Of Search Engines

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Crawling is the first important function of search engines. Search engines have their own bots (spiders) to read the source code of the billions of web pages on the internet. Web crawlers crawl the websites to find new and updated content also.

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In this step, search engines organize and categorize the crawled data. These categorized data are stored in the database of search engines. Since data is stored according to categories, it is easy to retrieve the data whenever a user searches for something.

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This is the last step in the working of search engines. In this step, search engines rank the websites according to the relevance to the search query entered by the user.


Why Search Engine Marketing is a Great Investment?

Making sure your business has a strong online presence is vital to any modern business’ success. But how do you ensure you get there? The answer, more often than not, lies in search engine marketing. If you want to grow your company with an effective online marketing strategy and a steady flow of new customers, then search engine marketing might be for you. Here’s everything you need to know about it and what makes it so powerful for businesses today. Anyone with a website can use search engines to promote their products or services and connect with key audiences.

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“Think about what the user is going to type”
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Team of Experts

You can opt for D-Lokam without thinking twice as we have a team of experts to manage your SEM advertising campaigns.

Detailed Proposal

D-Lokam will create a detailed proposal based on your requirements. The proposal includes solutions for your requirements.

100% Transparency

At D-Lokam, there’s no wizard behind the curtain. We will let you know what, how, when and why of each step we took forward.

Focused on ROI

Our strategy regarding your requirements would be aimed at the best ROI.

Choose Us

Why D-Lokam For SEM?

Here are the reasons why you should choose us for SEM


How Does SEM Work?

Search engine marketing is important for improving your digital presence and ensuring a better brand identity. Only a few marketers reap the advantages of search engine marketing solutions since they employ SEM strategies without having a crystal-clear idea about what is SEM. So, D-Lokam here explains how does SEM works.

SEM allows you to take advantage of customers’ online behavior and place your ads correctly as they search for your brand offers and are ready to buy. SEM is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategy used to enhance the visibility of your website in SERPs and reach customers at every stage of the purchase cycle. 

SEM works on a bidding system. Advertisers bid on keywords that their customers are searching for. Thus, their ads will appear next to the results of the search queries entered by the user. This underlines the significance of keyword research in search engine marketing as in SEO. Ads will not reach the right audience if the advertiser bids for keywords that are not relevant to the business and result in unnecessary spending of the budget. Each time a user enters a search query, a process called ad auction takes place. If the search engine finds your keywords are relevant to the searcher’s query, your ad will enter into the Ad auction. Then the position of the ad on the SERP is determined on the basis of your bid and the quality score of the ad. Based on these metrics, the search engine gives your ad an ad rank. So, your bid amount and the quality score of your ad are the metrics that determine the rank of your ad. Note that, if your bid amount is greater and your quality score is less than that of your competitor, then the competitor’s ad will win the auction. 


Grow Your Business With D-Lokam


You can opt for D-Lokam without thinking twice as we have a team of experts to manage your SEM advertising campaigns. D-Lokam will closely evaluate your website and develop effective SEM strategy.


What We Will Do In SEM?

Display Advertising

The purpose of display advertising is to encourage page visitors to complete an activity by clicking on the link to the landing page of a website. Display ads can be made of texts, images, or videos that appear in designated areas of a website or social media platform. The advertiser needs to pay for every single click on the ad.

Search Advertising

Search advertising campaigns will bring your website in front of your target audience at right time on Google search. Search ads are displayed on the top of the organic search results on SERP. Since search advertising is based on the explicit need of the user, it increases the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

YouTube Advertising

YouTube Advertising is a PPC search engine marketing method that focuses on creating attractive YouTube video ads and optimizing them to catch the attention of potential audiences who are unfamiliar with your brand. There are various types of YouTube advertising such as Outstream, Skippable in-stream, Bumper ads, etc. 

Lead Generation

Lead Generation Advertising is a type of advertising that is intended to collect information about the potential customers who click on your ads. Data that businesses generally like to collect includes the name, email address, and contact number of the customers. Using these data, the advertiser can contact them later.

App Promotion

Advertisers can promote their apps using search engine marketing. Through app promotion ads, the advertiser will get a greater number of app installs, interactions, and pre-registration for the app.It is possible to create advertisement campaigns for android applications and iOS applications.


Shopping Ads

Google shopping ads are helpful in showcasing the products of a business to its potential customers. Shopping ads serve as the best platform for e-commerce businesses to increase their sales and revenue. Shopping ads are also known as Product Listing Ads (PLA). These ads will appear on Google search results for a product. 

SEM Strategy Followed By D-Lokam

D-Lokam always follow a systematic strategy to achieve great results.


What Our Client Says

"D-Lokam has been a catalyst for the digital presence of my website. The team is really amazing to work with. They are updated with the new techniques and thus they easily made satisfactory results for me from search engine marketing. I recommend D-Lokam Digital Marketing Company for your digital marketing needs."

Rahul R

"D-Lokam is the right option if you want to grow your business through search engine marketing. D-Lokam is a young team, eager to grow, and see client's success as theirs. In my experience they are capable to create best search engine marketing strategy for your requirements, that can provide better ROI."

Praveen C


Common Questions

Here is the Important Questions related to Digital Marketing

It’s easy to get started with paid advertising, but it’s hard to know where to begin. For example, you could try PPC (pay-per-click) advertising on Google or Yahoo! Bing Network and see if it works for your site. Or you could try putting a banner ad on your site and see how many click throughs you get. If those don’t work out, you could test Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads and so on…

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. While SEM refers to Search Engine Marketing, which encompasses paid search ads on platforms like Facebook and Google AdWords. Paid search ads allow you to pay for your ad based on clicks or impressions, unlike SEO where you get traffic from unpaid organic searches. Both can be used together but are separate components of digital marketing.

SEM, or search engine marketing, is a strategy for gaining traffic through payment positioning, mostly through advertising. However, SEO and SEM go hand in hand because both strategies are often used simultaneously.

  1. Do keyword research and select a set of keywords related to website or product of the client.
  2. Select a geographical location to display the advertisement.
  3. Create the advertisement campaign.
  4. Bid on an amount that the client is willing to pay for each click on their ad.